pyramid_ldap3 ============= Overview -------- :mod:`pyramid_ldap3` provides LDAP authentication services for your Pyramid application. It is a fork of the ``pyramid_ldap`` package with the goal of eliminating the dependency on ``python-ldap`` and ``ldappool``, replacing it with a dependency on ``ldap3``, which is a pure Python package that supports both Python 2 and Python 3. Installation ------------ ``pyramid_ldap3`` depends on the `pyramid `_ and `ldap3 `_ packages. When you install ``pyramid_ldap3`` using pip (usually within a virtual environment), these dependencies will be installed automatically as well:: $ pip install pyramid_ldap3 Setup ----- Once :mod:`pyramid_ldap3` is installed, you must use the ``config.include`` mechanism to include it into your Pyramid project's configuration. In your Pyramid project's ````: .. code-block:: python config = Configurator(.....) config.include('pyramid_ldap3') Alternately, instead of using the Configurator's ``include`` method, you can activate Pyramid by changing your application's ``.ini`` file, use the following line: .. code-block:: ini pyramid.includes = pyramid_ldap3 Once you've included ``pyramid_ldap3``, you have to call methods of the Configurator to tell it about your LDAP server and query particulars. Here's an example of calling methods to create a fully-configured LDAP setup that attempts to talk to an Active Directory server: .. code-block:: python import ldap3 config = Configurator() config.include('pyramid_ldap3') config.ldap_setup( 'ldap://', bind='CN=ldap user,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com', passwd='ld@pu5er') config.ldap_set_login_query( base_dn='CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com', filter_tmpl='(sAMAccountName=%(login)s)', scope=ldap3.LEVEL) config.ldap_set_groups_query( base_dn='CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com', filter_tmpl='(&(objectCategory=group)(member=%(userdn)s))', scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, cache_period=600) Configurator Methods -------------------- Configuration of ``pyramid_ldap3`` is done via the Configurator methods named ``ldap_setup``, ``ldap_set_login_query``, and ``ldap_set_groups_query``. All three of these methods should be called once (and, ideally, only once) during the startup phase of your Pyramid application. ``Configurator.ldap_setup`` This Configurator method accepts arguments used to set up an LDAP connection. After you call it, you will be able to use the :func:`pyramid_ldap3.get_ldap_connector` API from within your application. It will return a :class:`pyramid_ldap3.Connector` instance. See :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_setup` for argument details. ``Configurator.ldap_set_login_query`` This configurator method accepts parameters which tell ``pyramid_ldap3`` how to find a user based on a login. Invoking this method allows the LDAP connector's ``authenticate`` method to work. See :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_set_login_query` for argument details. If ``ldap_set_login_query`` is not called, the :meth:`pyramid_ldap3.Connector.authenticate` method will not work. ``Configurator.ldap_set_groups_query`` This configurator method accepts parameters which tell ``pyramid_ldap3`` how to find groups based on a user DN. Invoking this method allows the connector's ``user_groups`` method to work. See :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_set_groups_query` for argument details. If ``ldap_set_groups_query`` is not called, the :meth:`pyramid_ldap3.Connector.user_groups` method will not work. Caching ------- The :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_set_groups_query` and :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_set_login_query` methods accept a ``cache_period`` argument. It must be an integer. If it is nonzero, the results of the associated query will be kept in memory for a maximum of that many seconds, after which they will be flushed. Usage ----- Assuming LDAP server and query setup has been done (as per above), you can begin using ``pyramid_ldap3`` in your application. Here's a small application which uses the ``pyramid_ldap3`` API: .. code-block:: python import ldap3 from pyramid.authentication import AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy from pyramid.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy from pyramid.view import ( view_config, forbidden_view_config) from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound from import ( Allow, Authenticated, remember, forget) from pyramid_ldap3 import ( get_ldap_connector, groupfinder) @view_config(route_name='login', renderer='templates/') @forbidden_view_config(renderer='templates/') def login(request): url = request.current_route_url() login = '' password = '' error = '' if 'form.submitted' in request.POST: login = request.POST['login'] password = request.POST['password'] connector = get_ldap_connector(request) data = connector.authenticate(login, password) if data is not None: dn = data[0] headers = remember(request, dn) return HTTPFound('/', headers=headers) else: error = 'Invalid credentials' return dict( login_url=url, login=login, password=password, error=error) @view_config(route_name='root', permission='view') def logged_in(request): return Response('OK') @view_config(route_name='logout') def logout(request): headers = forget(request) return Response('Logged out', headers=headers) class RootFactory(object): __acl__ = [(Allow, Authenticated, 'view')] def __init__(self, request): pass if __name__ == '__main__': config = Configurator(root_factory=RootFactory) config.include('pyramid_ldap3') config.set_authentication_policy( AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy( 'seekr1t', callback=groupfinder)) config.set_authorization_policy( ACLAuthorizationPolicy()) config.ldap_setup( 'ldap://', bind='CN=ldap user,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com', passwd='ld@pu5er') config.ldap_set_login_query( base_dn='CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com', filter_tmpl='(sAMAccountName=%(login)s)', scope=ldap3.LEVEL) config.ldap_set_groups_query( base_dn='CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com', filter_tmpl='(&(objectCategory=group)(member=%(userdn)s))', scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, cache_period=600) config.add_route('root', '/') config.add_route('login', '/login') config.add_route('logout', '/logout') config.scan('.') app = config.make_wsgi_app() server = make_server('', 8080, app) server.serve_forever() This application sets up for an LDAP server on ```` using :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_setup`. It passes a ``bind`` DN and ``passwd`` for a user capable of doing LDAP queries. It sets up a login query using :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_set_login_query` using a base DN of ``CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com`` and a filter_tmpl of ``(sAMAccountName=%(login)s)``. The filter template's ``%(login)s`` value will be replaced with the login name provided to the :meth:`pyramid_ldap3.Connector.authenticate` method. In this case, we're using Active Directory, and we'd like to use the sAMAccountName as the login parameter (aka the "windows login name"). The application also sets up a groups query using :func:`pyramid_ldap3.ldap_set_groups_query` using a base DN of ``CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com`` and a filter_tmpl of ``(&(objectCategory=group)(member=%(userdn)s))``. The group query's filter template's ``%(userdn)s`` value will be replaced with the DN of the user provided as the userid by the :meth:`pyramid_ldap3.Connector.user_groups` method, in order to look up all the groups to which the user belongs. In this case, we're using the ``member`` attribute to match against the DN, returning all objects of the ``objectCategory=group`` type as group results. Unlike the login query, we cache the result of each search made via this query for up to 10 minutes (600 seconds) based on its ``cache_period`` argument. Note that this query is not recursive; only groups a user belongs to directly will be returned. If e.g. a user belongs to a group that in itself belongs to another group, only the first will be returned. To query user groups recursively, including all parent groups, use the following filter template: ``(&(objectCategory=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=%(userdn)s))``. See ``_ The ``login`` view is invoked when someone visits ``/login`` or when the user is prevented from invoking another view due to its permission settings. It displays a login form. When the form is submitted, the view obtains the login and password passed from the form as well as an LDAP connector instance using the :func:`pyramid_ldap3.get_ldap_connector` function. The LDAP connector instance has an :meth:`~pyramid_ldap3.Connector.authenticate` method which accepts the login and password. It will return a data structure containing the user's DN as well as the user attributes if the user exists and his password is correct. It will return ``None`` if the user doesn't exist or if the user exists and his password is incorrect. A zero length password is always considered invalid since it is, according to the LDAP spec, a request for "unauthenticated authentication." Unauthenticated authentication should not be used for LDAP based authentication. See `section 5.1.2 of RFC-4513 `_ for a description of this behavior. When the user's name and password are correct, the ``login`` view uses the ```` API to set headers indicating that the user is logged in. The user's id will be his LDAP DN. We make use of a canned ``groupfinder`` function to provide group lookup support to the built-in AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy. This groupfinder is called for every request that requires authentication. The groups that an authenticated user belongs to will be the DNs of each of his LDAP groups when you use this groupfinder. The groupfinder uses the :meth:`pyramid_ldap3.Connector.user_groups` method and looks like this: .. code-block:: python def groupfinder(dn, request): connector = get_ldap_connector(request) group_list = connector.user_groups(dn) if group_list is None: return None return [dn for dn, attrs in group_list] The effect of this configuration is that a user is unable to view the ``root`` view at ``/`` until logging in with successful credentials, because it's protected by the ``view`` permission, which is only granted to the ``Authenticated`` principal based on the root factory's ACL. The ``logout`` view calls ```` to obtain headers useful for dropping the credentials. See the ``sampleapp`` sample application inside the ``pyramid_ldap3`` distribution for a working example of the above application. It can be viewed at . Logging ------- ``pyramid_ldap3`` uses the logger named ``pyramid_ldap3``. It sends output at a DEBUG level useful for its own developers to see what's happening. Sample Application ------------------ ``pyramid_ldap3`` comes with a very simple Pyramid sample application that has just a login form and shows whether the authentication via LDAP succeeded. The configuration file uses an `online LDAP test server `_ provided by Forum Systems. You can install and run the sample application (best done inside a separate virtual environment) using pip like this:: $ pip install -e .[sampleapp] $ pserve --browser sampleapp.ini Now you should see the login form in your browser. After entering ``euler`` as login and ``invalid`` as password, you should see the message ``Invalid credentials``. Try again with ``password`` as password, now you should see the message ``OK`` and the credentials of the logged in user ``euler``, including the DN of the group ``mathematicians.`` More Information ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api.rst Other Versions -------------- Visit to download development or tagged versions. Reporting Bugs -------------- Visit to report bugs. Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`